To get your website online, you will need to upload your files (i.e. your website) to your hosted web space on our servers. To backup your site files you will need to download your files from our web servers.

How to upload a file through File Manager

  1. Login into your cPanel. Click the File Manager button in the Files section.
  2. Navigate to the directory you want to upload a file to and click the Upload link at the top of the File Manager. This will open an upload page in a new tab.
  3. Drag and drop your file into the window, or click Select File to browse your computer for the file you want to upload. Check the available box if you want to overwrite files that already exist in the upload folder.
  4. Your file will then upload. You will see a “100%” message when the upload completes.
  5. Click the Go Back link to return to the File Manager.
  6. Refresh your File Manager by clicking the Reload link at the top middle of the File Manager. You should then see the file listed in the File Manager now.

How to upload With FTP using FileZilla

  1. Download Filezilla, visit http://filezilla-project.org/ and click the “Download FileZilla Client” link for FileZilla Client. Once you complete the straight forward download and installation process, open the application.
  2. Connect to your server with FileZilla.
  3. Navigate your files in the third window on the left underneath the “Local Site:” box where its says”Filename”.
  4. The Window to the right of it is the “Remote Site” directory. Navigate to the folder where you want to upload the file/folder to in the “Filename” Window underneath the “Remote Site” window. Drag the file you want to upload to the server from the “Local Site” to the “Remote Site”.
  5. The File will upload and you will see the file in the list of files in the directory where you dragged the file to.